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General description

ALEGRO missions and organisation

Advanced LinEar collider study GROup

Created September 2017

 ALEGRO missions :

  • To foster and trigger Advanced Linear Collider related activities

  • To provide a framework to amplify international coordination,  broaden the community, involving accelerator labs/institutes

  • To dentify topics requiring intensive R&D and facilities needed


ALEGRO organisation:


The steering group is chaired by B. Cros, P. Muggli and C. Schroeder

ALEGRO is opened to interested scientists worldwide


ALEGRO WG titles and leaders:


PC: Physics Case (M Peskin, J Tian)

CMD: Collider Machine Design (A Seryi,  D Schulte, H Yamamoto)

TMS:Theory, Modelling, Simulations (JL Vay, J. Vieira)

LWFA: Laser wakefield Accelerators (C. Schroeder, S. Hooker, B. Cros)

PWFA: Plasma wakefield Accelerators (J Osterhoff, E Gschwendter,  P Muggli )

PAC: Positron acceleration (S. Gessner, S. Corde)

SWFA: Structure wakefield accelerator (P Piot, J Power)

DLA: Dielectric laser accelerator (J England, B Cowan)








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